The objective of the study is to determine, analyze and evaluate the state and development of the social differences between the Bulgarian municipalities in the period 2001-2002. the concrete research tasks concern the execution of:
- analysis and evaluation of the arranging and differentiating of the municipalities by chosen social indexes in 2002
- analysis and evaluation of the dynamics of the changes in the arranging and differentiating the municipalities in the period 2001-2002
- generalizations and conclusions concerning the state and changes in the social differences between the municipalities in the studied period
- generalizations and conclusions for the identifying changes in the social differences between the municipalities in the studied period compared with the period 1998-2000.
With the help of a model, based on the taxonomic method, the generalizing evaluations for the social state of the municipalities are calculated and analyzed. The evaluations are based on statistical information for the following indexes: taxable incomes per capita; size of paid social assistances per capita, share of the population in a regime of water usage from the water-supplied population (%), medical practices/1000 people and dentist practices/1000 people.
JEL: I38, O18, R13